Jan 25, 2010

Red Exhibition

Photo of my work being mounted at the Red Exhibition, by Tattooist friend Charissa...the picture 'Happy Birthday' also featured her tongue being skewered by a lit candle!

Jan 23, 2010

Animation Ideas...

Initial image and animation draft for a full Clownimation to come....an insight into Chaos Cabaret's contributor Becky Fury's lurid imagination, think female Krusty all over!

Jan 9, 2010

The Great Pretender

I don't have many photos of me taking photos, for obvious reasons, but here's one none the less - except I'm actually pretending to take a photo for the purposes of a music video! To reclaim my photographic pride I made sure I used an antique Russian camera...

Jan 6, 2010

Underling (2008)

From a previous shoot that remained unprocessed for too long, a fossilised cannister that came out well!