Nov 28, 2005

Ludlow Awards

zdo9 has been given The Ludlow Award on behalf of St Johns Hackney 180, a homeless centre and one of the last centres to offer arts activities to homeless people. The award for £10, 000 was given on the strength of one of zdo9's pictures and will go straight to the charity to continue its valuable work.

Nov 11, 2005

Inspired Art Fair

Francois will be holding a stand at the inspired Art Fair from the 16th-21st november 2005, pop in to see me...

Nov 4, 2005


The Old Seager Distillery
6a Holland House
Brookmill Road


Sunday 6November 10am-10pm

An arts and crafts event hosted by OAP, an extension of its regular 'off the rails' Sunday market which has an emphasis on home-made crafts, recycled art, non-productive trade and performance based purchasing. In a typically quirky manner OAP will show the freshest talent. zdo9 will be there holding a stale!!